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Wellbeing seminars offer employees specific practices to cultivate mindfulness,  improve emotional and mental well-being, and manage stress effectively.  


Our Lunch & Learns offer specific, practical techniques that employees can easily implement into their workday.


De-Stress for Optimal Wellbeing in the Workplace

While stress is inevitable and a part of daily life, chronic stress has serious detrimental effects on one's health.

Thankfully, there are simple and effective practices to manage stress.

In this 60-minute workshop, employees will discover 8 Practices to easily manage stress.

Includes an e-book and workbook.


Intro to Mindfulness

Mindfulness is an effective practice to improve efficiency and communication in the workplace.

In this 60-Minuteshow you how developing a mindfulness practice can lead to:

  • Better relationships

  • A higher level of self awareness

  • Better decision making

  • Stronger leadership skills

  • And much more

This seminar includes a short meditation and breath work.



Sitting at a desk all day is hard on your body, but it doesn’t have to be.

This straightforward yoga workshop will teach employees simple poses and exercises they can do right at their desks.

One of our experienced teachers will teach your team how to relieve stress and tension, increase energy and improve well-being.

Ideal for everyone, even those new to yoga.

An Innergy Corporate Yoga yoga teacher will also teach your staff:

  • How to breathe more deeply and effectively

  • How to prevent and even help relieve symptoms of common workplace health problems (such as carpal tunnel syndrome, eye strain and lower back ache)

  • How to sit properly at their workstation to prevent common misalignment problems.

This 60- minute workshop includes a handout for each participant.




We know that meditation can be a beneficial practice, but how can we fit one more thing into our already busy lives?

In this workshop your team members will learn all about the ancient practice of meditation, how to easily get started and how to begin experiencing mental calm & inner stillness immediately.


  • What meditation is and isn’t

  • How to get started if you’ve never meditated before

  • The most common do’s and don’ts of a meditation practice

  • The top benefits of a consistent mediation practice

  • The most common things you’ll experience when meditating

  • How to meditate even when you have a busy schedule

Pranayama 101


Pranayama, or breath work, involves exercises where we control or direct our breathing to improve energy, reduce stress and create optimal health.

Pranayama has profound benefits on our physical, mental and spiritual states.

In this lunch and learn, the fundamental principles of pranayama will be explored and practiced.

Each student will deepen their understanding of how the movement of breath affects both body and mind.

The anatomy of breathing, philosophy of breathing, and specific pranayama techniques will be both discussed and practiced.


Other seminars may be available upon request. Contact us for a more detailed description of each lunch and learn. All programs are 60 minutes long. 

Contact us today to find out more about our Lunch n Learn Seminars or to schedule one at your workplace.

Book a Free Consultation

To book your free 15 minute consultation with one of our staff members, call us at 1.888.457.3543 or fill out the form below: 

Fields marked with an * are required

First Name: *

Last Name: *

Company Name (if applicable): 

Email: *

Phone Number: *

City: *


          N/A British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Quebec New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Newfoundland Yukon Northwest Territories  Nunavut      


          N/A Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming      

Country: *

          Canada USA Other      

Preferred Time for Yoga: *

          Before 9am Weekdays Weekdays 9am - 5pm Weekday Evenings 5pm - 10pm Weekends I'm not sure I'm not looking to do yoga      

How did you hear about us? *

          Craigslist Facebook Friend or colleague Google search Innergy teacher Innergy website Instagram Kijiji LinkedIn Saw an ad Other       


To help us prevent spam, please answer the following question in order to submit your inquiry: what is 10+2? *

Free PDF Download

10 Best Yoga Poses to Do at Your Desk
Download your exclusive free copy now! This detailed instruction guide will help you stay healthy, flexible, and Innergized at work.

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Name: *

Email: *

To help us prevent spam, please answer the following question in order to submit your inquiry: what is 10+2? *




About Us



Conference Yoga

Available at conferences, business meetings, retreats & special events.

Make your next conference a success!

Conference Yoga reduces stress, increases energy and blood flow to the brain and muscles, improves memory retention, productivity and efficiency, builds teamwork and much more.

By helping conference participants focus on their breath and posture, they will be able to concentrate more effectively on the material being presented.

Your team will absorb more information and come together as a team should to accomplish more in a short amount of time.

Plus, it’s a fun and enjoyable way for people to remember your next event!

We will help you determine your needs and plan all the details.

Conference Yoga is available at your conference in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Mississauga, Hamilton, Ottawa, Montreal, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sunnyvale, San Francisco & more.

Already a Corporate Yoga or Pilates client with us? You receive 10% off of all Conference Yoga rates.

Get Started Now

Other classes and sessions may be available. Contact us to discuss your needs and book your Conference Yoga package now.









"Yoga is a gift to humanity at a time when its wisdom and teachings are much needed. With all the wonderful advances in technology and higher quality of living, without ways to balance our often stressful, hectic lifestyles, we can develop physical, mental and emotional stress-related illnesses.​ Yoga provides a place of grace where one can reconnect with one's authentic self, access the calm spaciousness within and bring that quality of being into daily life.​" - Meighlin. 


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