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Monthly Membership

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"If we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently." - Tony Robbins.
Yoga is a meaningful way to build body awareness, flexibility, and relaxation techniques.
Take the time to breathe, improve your balance and focus your mind.
Enjoy five weekly live-stream yoga classes!
You also receive access to recorded yoga classes, 'How To' Tutorials to develop your practice and guided meditations for calm and peace, pranayama video instruction and priority registration to workshops, retreats and online courses.
  • Sacred Sunday Live Stream Yoga Class - Sundays 9:30 to 10:30 am 
  • Meditation - Sundays 10:35 am to 11 am
  • Hatha Yoga - Tuesdays 9:30 to 10:30 am 
  • Yin Yoga Live Stream Class - Wednesdays 7-8 pm  
  • Hatha Yoga - Thursdays 7 pm to 8 pm
*​Live stream class times are in Pacific Standard Time.
PLUS​​ in Patreon for a mere $1. enjoy:
  • Guided Meditations - To quiet and calm the mind - Various lengths and themes.
  • Access to replays of all recorded yoga and meditation classes.
  • Themed Online Yoga Videos of various lengths and themes. Includes a brief description of the area the sequence targets and the length of the class for easy access.​
  • Exclusive access to all new videos. ​
  • ‘How To’ Yoga Asana Tutorial videos- Provides simple steps to come into specific asana, to assist you in developing your yoga practice.​
  • Pranayama 'How To' videos​
  • Priority Registration to workshops, retreats, online courses and programs.
  • ​
Terms & Conditions:
Please read:
All memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Subscription cancellations require 30 days notice in writing to:


"Yoga is a gift to humanity at a time when its wisdom and teachings are much needed. With all the wonderful advances in technology and higher quality of living, without ways to balance our often stressful, hectic lifestyles, we can develop physical, mental and emotional stress-related illnesses.​ Yoga provides a place of grace where one can reconnect with one's authentic self, access the calm spaciousness within and bring that quality of being into daily life.​" - Meighlin. 


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