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Upcoming Workshops

Book a class at your studio or inquire about private classes by email at

















Whether it’s an injury you are looking to heal, the emotional or mental health you seek, or a solid, sustainable practice you wish to develop, I offer private sessions and workshops to meet your interests and needs. 


Yoga is an important way to build body awareness, flexibility, and relaxation techniques. Take the time to breathe, relax and open up your body. Increase balance and focus your mind.



Journey Through the Chakras 2021




























Journey through the Chakras and discover how the chakras are affecting which areas of your life. This will be an insightful course that will introduce you to each of the seven chakras and their development at different stages of your life. You'll learn specific pranayama, mudras, seed madras, and yoga asana to assist in balancing each of them.

We will begin with the root chakra, Muladhara, connecting to the earth. This chakra is the seat of your instincts.

The Muladhara chakra governs your auto-immune and skeletal systems. As well as your bowels and teeth.

When our basic needs are met, we can endure life trials when we feel supported and safe. But without stability, we operate from fear, which can express itself in hoarding, irrational response, impulsiveness, desperation, and aggression.

When balanced, we trust our needs will be met, which opens us to higher expressions. We feel secure in life. We value life. We can be present at the moment.

Working with your chakras facilitates awareness into areas of your life you may be stuck or unbalanced.

The specific asana, pranayama, mudras, and seed mantras will allow you to create healthier patterns, bringing more ease and joy into your life. The material will be presented with an introduction to the chakra, the yantra associated with the chakra, and the seed mantra. The pranayama and mudras will assist in balancing the chakra. You'll also receive a guided meditation, as well as a yoga sequence of specific asana for bringing the chakra into balance.


Saturdays 9:30am - 11am (PST)

Root Chakra/Muladhara  - April 30th, 2022

Sacral Chakra/Swadhisthana - May 7th, 2022

Solar Plexus Chakra/Manipura - May 14th  2022

Heart Chakra /Anahata - May 21st, 2022

Throat Chakra/Vishuddha - May 28th, 2022

Third Eye Chakra/Ajna -June 4th, 2022

Crown Chakra/Sahasrara  June 11th, 2022


An investment in yourself! Providing insight into each chakra and its influence on your life.


We'll discuss how each chakra is affecting your life, with specific practices that you can immediately apply into your life to address imbalances and release once and for all blocks that have been limiting you so that you can finally move forward to creating your best life!


You will receive each workbook material with information, reflection questions and practices to balance the chakras.

Bring a notebook and an open mind!

Investment:  $397. USD


























Fundamentals of Yoga Workshop

Knowing the correct alignment of an asana is important for safely placing the body in a way that protects the joints, provides a solid foundation for asana variations and allows a natural progression that supports and nourishes the body and mind, rather than fatiguing it. Why does an asana feel awkward or uncomfortable? Why does a particular pose seem so inaccessible? I created the Foundational Yoga Workshop to answer these questions.


Asana translates in Sanskrit as a comfortable, easy position. When the body is aligned one's physiology is more efficient and performs more effectively. It requires more energy to hold one's body out of alignment. Issues resulting from the compensation of different muscle groups to maintain a particular position.


This workshop will provide you with a solid foundation and an understanding of proper alignment, to gain greater strength and flexibility while maintaining the necessary balance in each asana, to progress in your yoga practice.




"I attended Meighlin's Foundational Skills Course last year to enhance my practice. Meighlin provided a safe space and a wealth of knowledge in which to go deeper into each of the various poses teaching the origins, and also how to hold and be aware during the poses. I remember feeling uplifted and stronger. During one of her next Hatha yoga sessions, I effortlessly did a lot of the more challenging balancing poses with ease and full awareness - and a huge smile on my face. I highly recommend any of her teachings, as she truly comes from a place of love and acceptance."


"Meighlin's Foundational Workshop was awesome! As a frequent student of Meighlin's Hatha classes, I found I learned a ton from her during this workshop. Meighlin is a wonderful yoga teacher and to be able to ask her questions during class and to receive personal suggestions and corrections were priceless for someone who is looking to deepen their yoga practice."

-Jess Pirnak

"Thank you so much for your guidance and wisdom through these weeks. For me, it was a journey with lots of learning along the way. It gave me a different view of how I see my yoga practice now. I just assumed I could only go so far, but when you mentioned trying this or that I was surprised I could actually do it. Thanks again for your light and teachings."

-Patricia Asbuna 

"Thank you for your workshop. It was the most interesting! I learned a lot and enjoyed it. You are an amazing yoga teacher, so kind and understanding."

-Regina Baumann

This workshop covers the alignment principles of specific asana so that you can develop a solid and sustainable yoga practice. The principles of alignment provide you with the stability essential for various intermediate variations of asana.


Online - Zoom link & password will be sent to you following registration. 

All levels welcome!


Understanding the Fundamentals of  Yoga asana will help you to advance with greater grace & ease.


Date: June 25th - July 16th, 2022

Time: 9:30 am -11:30 am

Location: Online

Investment: $397. USD








Village Yoga 

Come nourish your body, mind & spirit. Hatha Yoga balances the mind and body through a combination of classical postures and breathing techniques. Improve balance and flexibility while clearing and relaxing the mind. All levels welcome.

Thursday evenings, 7-8pm

400 Centre Rd, Lions Bay, BC V0N 2E0




Outdoor Yoga 

Come practice in the open air, connect, breathe deeply, and renew your body, mind & spirit.

Everyone welcome!

Fridays 12pm-1pm

Ambleside Park, West Vancouver




Sacred Sunday Live Stream

An invigorating Hatha class that will leave you feeling refreshed, renewed and ready for the week ahead.

Join me online Sunday mornings, 9:30am-10:45am





Keep your body limber with this weekly Stretch Class! 
Running, hiking and winter sports are wonderful ways to keep active, build strength & endurance and keep your heart healthy. Yet, it's equally important to stretch and increase flexibility for greater ease of movement and to prevent injury. Plus, it feels so good to stretch!
Join me online
Wednesday mornings at 10:30 am 




Join me for a relaxing Mid-Week Yin Yoga class, to renew and restore your body & mind.

Join me online Wednesday Evenings 8 -9 pm




Connect with me on Yoga Trail for up-to-date daily classes.                  

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  • Meighlin Yoga
  • Meighlin Yoga
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